Saturday, January 19, 2013

Trying to catch up...

It's been several weeks since my last post, and my apologies to all.  So much happened all at once that I let my blogging slip.  Trying to put together my daughter's party, dealing with my daughter's ear infection, my own nasty cold and a busier than usual work schedule, made it hard to keep my head above water.

I will definitely be sharing the details of Arianna's party in future blog posts.  I will say that I definitely put more into the decorations for this party than I  did for her first birthday party.  But in my own defense, for her first party, I had just been hit with a nasty stomach bug and had to travel for business several days before.  Why is it that I always get sick on her birthday?  The joys of having a child with a winter birthday.

In the end, I decided on a Sesame Street themed party, and I can tell you that my daughter absolutely loved it.  Her smiles at seeing her favorite characters made up for the party stress I felt.  Note to self, do not attempt to make cake pops at 10:00 at night and hope to get to bed before midnight. 

More to come on my cake pop saga, but I thought I'd give a preview on the end result...