Saturday, January 19, 2013

Trying to catch up...

It's been several weeks since my last post, and my apologies to all.  So much happened all at once that I let my blogging slip.  Trying to put together my daughter's party, dealing with my daughter's ear infection, my own nasty cold and a busier than usual work schedule, made it hard to keep my head above water.

I will definitely be sharing the details of Arianna's party in future blog posts.  I will say that I definitely put more into the decorations for this party than I  did for her first birthday party.  But in my own defense, for her first party, I had just been hit with a nasty stomach bug and had to travel for business several days before.  Why is it that I always get sick on her birthday?  The joys of having a child with a winter birthday.

In the end, I decided on a Sesame Street themed party, and I can tell you that my daughter absolutely loved it.  Her smiles at seeing her favorite characters made up for the party stress I felt.  Note to self, do not attempt to make cake pops at 10:00 at night and hope to get to bed before midnight. 

More to come on my cake pop saga, but I thought I'd give a preview on the end result...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's party time...

The holidays have just ended and the busyness in my life continues as I plan a party for my soon to be two year old Arianna.

My daughter's birthday party is next weekend and I have so much to do.  Having a birthday so close to Christmas is hard on both mommy and child.  But I'm determined to make her birthdays special.

As I was deciding on a theme for her party, I struggled a bit because I know she loves Elmo (Despite the fact that her tongue is sticking out in the photo below, she really does love her Elmo.  She just sticks the tongue out when she's nervous and she wasn't too sure about this cardboard cutout of Elmo:), but I absolutely hate character parties.  So, I started to look online to get some ideas for what I term a sophisticated Elmo party.

I found some great party ideas that met my need to not have an overload of character paraphernalia and just enough character elements to hopefully make my daughter happy.  There are so many ideas that I found that gave me more ideas.  Now I just have to work at putting them altogether.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome to 2013 and my new blog!

Happy 2013 everyone and welcome to my new blog.  I decided that there was no better time to launch my blog than the start of the New Year.  Yes, I'm one of those poor saps who loves the New Year with its fresh beginning, clean slate and hopes for the year ahead.

So why start this blog?  I've been planning for this blog for a while now to help busy moms find ways to add creativity into their daily, and often chaotic, lives.  Maybe you're like me and have this insatiable need to be creative -- you see a million ideas online, in magazines or books, of things you'd love to create.  I've even made it so far as to enter the craft store with the intention of finally starting a creative project and found my mind racing in a million different directions.  As the many ideas flooded my mind, I became overwhelmed to the point of inertia and left the store with an empty cart and heavy heart as cold, hard reality set in that so many of my ideas would take too much time to complete.

Because let's be honest, a lot of creative projects take time.  Unfortunately, time for busy moms like me is in short supply.  As much as I love being creative, spending time with my daughter and husband comes first.

That's when the idea hit me that there had to be another way to approach being creative.  Where there shortcuts I could take that would allow me to be creative, but not cause me to take on, or in most cases not even start, projects that I know I won't be able to complete?  Where there ways that I could break down even the largest of projects into smaller, more manageable steps?

Join me this new year on a journey to find ways to add creativity to our busy lives!