Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ready for spring, already

I'm ready for spring.  This past week of snow almost every other day, together with the cold temperatures and darkness has my thoughts turning to warmer weather.  I can't wait until I see the tulips I planted last fall spring to life in my containers.

The talk of tulips and spring got me thinking about the photo I took of a tulip a couple of years ago.  I took it at the end of April and was in a hurry to take the photo as a spring thunderstorm approached.  I wanted a dark background to shoot the tulip against, so I quickly grabbed a step stool and draped over it my husband's black jacket.  A trick that I learned from reading The Digital Photography Book by Scott Kelby (a book I highly recommend for its many great tips).

I loved the end result of the great lighting the approaching storm gave off together with the contrast of the bright tulip against the black background.

With this same concept in mind, I decided to purchase a black blanket to have on hand for those unexpected photos.  The blanket was used in many photos I took of my daughter when she was first born to give them a more professional look.

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